Aid for citizens of Ukraine. There is a decision of the Parliament. It will now go to the Senate for deliberation.

The Parliament on Wednesday passed an amendment to the law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of that country. [...] Among other things, the amendment provides for the extension of the legal stay of Ukrainians.

[...] The amendment to the Law on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of that State provides for, among other things, extending the legality of residency until September 30, 2025 for those Ukrainians who have been assigned a UKR PESEL number, as well as linking 800 + payments to compulsory schooling for Ukrainian children starting next year.

The regulation also extends access to health, family and social security benefits, benefits paid by Social Security ZUS, and the possibility of staying in collective housing facilities. [...]

The law also stipulates the introduction of new rules for confirming the identity of a Ukrainian citizen applying for a PESEL number. The only way to confirm identity is to be the presentation of a valid travel document.

The regulation further stipulates that as of July 1, the financing of support in the form of accommodation and meals for refugees from Ukraine who are in a particularly difficult situation will be possible only on the basis of a signed agreement with the competent local governor or a local government body acting on the governor's order. The rules of participation in the cost of stay and board in collective accommodation centers will also change so that the collection of undue subsidies will be more effective than at present.

The law is also set to extinguish benefits related to compensation for the cost of housing and food for war refugees, paid by owners of private housing. Support for funding the taking of photographs and a one-time cash benefit of PLN 300 are also to be extinguished as of July 1. [...]

The law, with the exception of some provisions, would come into effect on July 1.

Source: Polska Agencja Prasowa