Ukrainian Independence Day in Kielce 2024 at the INTEURO Centre for the Integration of Foreigners

This year's celebrations are planned with the theme of women's entrepreneurship.

The Association Europe-East Integration is proud to invite you to this year's celebration of Ukraine Independence Day, which is planned at the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners in Kielce, Sienkiewicza 78A Street, which has been in operation since 2019.

The leading theme of this year's meeting will be the support of entrepreneurship for foreigners in Poland.
This is in response to the growing interest of foreigners (especially women from Ukraine) in opening and running their own business in our country and region.

The event is co-organised by the Voivodeship Labour Office in Kielce - the Association's partner in the INTEURO project.
Professional advisors from the WUP will present an attractive training and advisory offer for Ukrainian women seeking work in our region.

The second part of the meeting will be devoted to consultations on social and health insurance and short-term ZUS benefits for foreigners, which will be conducted by experts from the Kielce branch of the Social Insurance Institution.

The event is scheduled to begin on 23 August at 9:00 a.m. at the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners at 78A Sienkiewicza Street in Kielce.

Programme of the event

Official celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day in Kielce - opening by the organisers and invited guests
Part I

Support for foreigners' entrepreneurship in the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners - training, coworking, legal and tax advice
Professional mobilisation of Ukrainian women in the Voivodeship Labour Office in Kielce - professional counseling, training vouchers
How to start and run a business in Poland - practical aspects, legal and tax advice
Part II
Social and health insurance, ZUS benefits

Compulsory social and health insurance for employees - advice for foreigners
Short-term Social Security benefits
Part III
Workshops, individual and group consultations

Business, taxes, insurance, ZUS benefits
It is worth emphasising that the Association Integration Europe - East has been continuing the celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine in Kielce for several years in cooperation with numerous partners, administration and non-governmental organisations.
Each year, the themes of the celebrations correspond to the current needs and questions raised by the largest group of foreigners in Poland, i.e. the Ukrainian diaspora.

Supporting entrepreneurship of foreigners at the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners - what is worth knowing?

As part of the project "INTEURO - Programme of integration and professional activation of foreigners in the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship", it is planned to organise a series of free training courses and business and tax advisory services for 10 women from Ukraine (under temporary protection), who will receive knowledge, advice and space to start a business in the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship.
In addition, the participants will be given the opportunity to use a free coworking area, i.e. office space in the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners at Sienkiewicza 78A Street in Kielce.
Our free entrepreneurship support programme for Ukrainian women will include:

  • training and workshops (40 hours) - principles of opening and running a business in Poland,
  • legal advice - preparation of registration documents,
  • a coworking area in the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners.

The number of places is limited!
Registration is mandatory!

How to sign up for our workshop on 23 August?

You are welcome to visit the Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce or contact the hotline: +48573338377 or e-mail: info@inteuro.info

We speak Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Where we are?

We have set up a hotline for you in four languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Hotline: +48 573338377
Viber: +48789085083
e-mail: info@inteuro.info

25-501 Kielce
str. Sienkiewicza 78A (second floor)

The quickest way to find us is by visiting the website platform: Good Neighbourhood Map INTEURO.INFO
We also present on social networks Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

We are available to you from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



"INTEURO - Programme of integration and professional mobilisation of foreigners in the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship".
Association Integration Europe-East
Voivodship Labour Office in Kielce