Types of international protection Types of international protection
Types of international protection 23.02.2022 , hour 13:08
International meetings of foreigners and employers are starting in Kielce International meetings of foreigners and employers are starting in Kielce

A new initiative of the Association Integration Europe - East as part of the INTEURO.INFO project.

International meetings of foreigners and employers are starting in Kielce 16.02.2022 , hour 11:49
A child with experience of migration at school A child with experience of migration at school

Zachęcamy do lektury artykułu autorstwa dr Katarzyny Krzystanek udzielajacej wsparcia psychologicznego w Punkcie Informacyjnym dla Cudzoziemców w Kielcach.

A child with experience of migration at school 09.02.2022 , hour 14:19
How do we help at the Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce? How do we help at the Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce?

Check out our latest movie, which is also available with Ukrainian, Russian and English subtitles.

How do we help at the Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce? 08.12.2021 , hour 09:22